New Home CommunitiesIowa City

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West Side Estates
Iowa City, IA 52246

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      • Iowa City Community School District

      New Home CommunitiesIowa City

      Iowa City is located in the heart of Johnson County. Iowa city is home to all things Hawkeyes such as The University of Iowa, UI Hospitals and Clinics, University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, Carver Arena, Kinnick Stadium and much more. Downtown Iowa City is home to many local restaurants
      and establishments that have been around for decades. For example, The Englert Theater has been putting on performances in Downtown Iowa City since 1912. On a sunny day you can drive through the University of Iowa campus and find students on the Pentacrest Lawn just behind the Old Capitol Building, or playing sports at College Green Park. The University of Iowa Rec center is a state-of-the-art gym that overlooks the Iowa River. Iowa City is home to many festivals such as Witching Hour and Mission Creek. In the warmer months you will find fun activities such as the Iowa City Block Party and the Taste of Iowa City where locals get to showcase their food. Iowa City is a lively town with a tight
      knit community.

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