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New Home CommunitiesCoralville

Coralville is a suburb of Iowa City located within Johnson County. Just along the Iowa River, Coralville is home to the very popular Iowa River Landing (IRL) area. With many restaurants, bars, shops, and apartments this area of town is well trafficked. The IRL is even home to the brand new Xtreme Arena. Just past the Iowa River Landing there are many trails leading through Edgewater Park Site. This site is a 3,800-year-old archeological site just along the Iowa River. Coralville received its name from the Harvard Zoologist Louis Agassiz in 1866 when he referred to Coralville as the “Coral Reef of Iowa City”. Lake MacBride is a popular attraction to see in Coralville when the weather warms up. You can find people boating, fishing, and hiking. The area is full of fossils from a time when Coralville was under water. Coralville is also home to the Coral Ridge mall, the second largest mall in IA. Within the Coral ridge mall, you can find the famous Iowa Children’s museum, Marcus Theaters, and the ice-skating rink giving families plenty of options for entertainment.

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